Ever-important self care & community-spirit
We cannot underestimate the impact of social distancing and self isolation on people’s health and wellbeing from the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.
Milton Keynes NHS Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) have collated the following useful self care information to help us look after ourselves and each other as best as we can in these difficult times. Please feel free to share.
General Health & Wellbeing
5 Ways to Wellbeing are a great way to think about steps we can take to maintain and improve our health and wellbeing.
Next week (18- 24 May) sees the return of Mental Health Awareness Week. This year’s theme is Kindness, something we have seen an awful lot of recently. It’s important to ensure we are also kind to ourselves so it’s a good time to remember the 5 Ways to Wellbeing and the hashtag #OneADayMK.

Mental Health
Maintaining healthy relationships with people we trust is important. Stay connected via email, social media, video calling and telephone. If you haven’t got anyone to talk to you can call emotional support lines like:
The Silver Line confidential helpline for older people 0800 470 8090 (free 24‐hour helpline)
Samaritans on 116 123 (free 24‐hour helpline)
Check out the two online courses being delivered by MK Adult Education from May to July – Relaxation through Mindfulness andSleep and Dreams. Both courses are free to all. To enrol visit www.milton-keynes.gov.uk/

Children’s Mental Health
The British Psychological Society has produced advice on talking to children about COVID-19. https://www.bps.org.uk/sites/www.bps.org.uk/files/Policy/Policy%20-%20Files/Talking%20to%20children%20about%20coronavirus.pdf
The Mentally Healthy Schools toolkit includes resources for school staff, parents and carers and children to help manage anxiety and improve wellbeing during the coronavirus crisis – https://www.mentallyhealthyschools.org.uk/media/2025/coronavirus-anxiety-toolkit.pdf
BBC Newsround information https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/51896156
This Council for Disabled Children document focuses on supporting children and young people with autism and a learning disability.
Kooth is a website that children and young people can use to get advice, support and guidance for any problem. They can connect to this anonymous and free service which is available every day via their laptop, tablet or smartphone at www.kooth.com
Homeschooling during COVID-19: How One Family is Doing It – https://www.mytutor.co.uk/
This guide contains plenty of helpful information with useful tips and ideas for parents homeschooling their children during the COVID-19 lockdown.
- Written by Emma Bradley, a qualified teacher, and mum of three, the blog is full of details from her personal experience – a great source of inspiration for other parents.
- Advice on a range of topics; including how to structure the day, how to give children a choice in what they do, how to give teens a sense of purpose, and how to make learning fun.
- Advice on supporting your teen’s mental health during the lockdown.
Milton Keynes Council has produced a Good Neighbour Guide with the Community Foundation MK and Community Action MK. An emergency appeal has also been launched. More information can be found here.

Home schooling
Check out these online educational resources for schools and parents to help children to learn at home:
The Parks Trust has created a range of nature inspired resources for you to use at home. Visit their website for a whole host of fun and educational activities to keep the whole family busy. Featuring colouring sheets, a guide on how to make seed parcels and a video on how to build a bird box to
name a few. https://www.theparkstrust.com/get-involved/outdoor-learning/stay-at-home-activities
Flamingo Chicks is an inclusive community giving all children, including disabled children and those with illnesses such as cancer, the opportunity to enjoy dance and explore movement alongside friends. They have launched free, online accessible dance classes for little ones. Flamingo
Chicks classes are suitable for children with all sorts of physical, sensory and learning disabilities. Adaptations are provided throughout, including ways parents/carers/teachers can support children with limited mobility and ways to translate different movements. https://flamingochicks.org/athome/
The Books Trust has a variety of resources on their website fronline books and videos to quizzes and drawing activities. https://www.booktrust.org.uk/books-and-reading/have-some-fun/
The MK Play Association is asking for donations of any arts, crafts or scrap items. They desperately need these materials to continue their scrap and craft boxes! Please get in touch by email [email protected] or on social media https://twitter.com/MKPlay
MK Children’s Centres are working with local charity Baby Basics and need clothes for 3-4 year olds. If people can donate to them it will be a great help. http://babybasicsmk.org.uk/
Physical Activity
Have a look at the NHS Fitness Studio which is packed full of self care tips and videos.

Connect Health provides a first tier physiotherapy service in Milton Keynes.
Their website has section that patients can access to help them get information on how to manage many musculoskeletal conditions.