We had a productive day on the last permablitz “chopping and dropping” weeds, pulling out bindweed and generally cutting back overgrown edges for a good tidy up of the Forest Garden and social area.
A big thank you to our volunteers
All the effort to keep our community garden regularly watered by our Super Team: Wendy, Greg, Vi, Frances and Mark, has certainly paid off!

Look what we’ve have created…
The Forest Garden is growing up nicely with fruits, herbs and edible and medicinal flowers. And the raised beds in the social area are looking even better for the lick of paint that the “Get Involved Volunteering MK” school-children gave them in June now that they are getting packed full of delicious veggie treats!

We’re growing…
Just look how everything is growing in our raised beds of the social area… Come and pick some to take home!

Everything’s edible
Did you know you can even eat Day Lilies? I found this article on the Honest Food website that said:
Day lilies are not only edible, they are spectacular. After sampling the flowers, flower buds, young stalks and root tubers, I’ve come to the conclusion that they’re so tasty I may grow them as a food crop.
Check out honest-food.net/dining-on-daylilies for how to cook and eat them.

Come and grow with us
Anyone who lives, works or plays in Milton Keynes is welcome to be a part of our Planting Up project, which aims to bring local people together, help us to share growing skills, help pollinators and other wildlife, enhance the surroundings and provide free food!
Our next volunteer garden work party (aka “permablitz”) with Bring & Share lunch takes place on Saturday 20 July from 10.30am – 2pm, with lunch from 1pm. Come and join us for some fresh air, food and social time. You’ll be amazed at what we get done in the garden in the meantime!