The weeds were starting to take hold again so we had a lot of work to do for our garden work party, aka “permablitz”, on Saturday 18 May.
The beds in the social area were full of weeds and the floor was beginning to sprout in places too!
Our group of volunteers got to work quickly, chopping and dropping the weeds on the floor and removing them from the raised beds so that we could plant our seedlings in them.

We all worked together in the social area and managed to top-up and clear the raised beds ready for planting.
We planted:
- Peas
- Dwarf beans
- Spring onion
- Chard
- Broccoli
- Cucumber
- Corn
And some nasturtiums and sunflower seeds went in to add some more colour and attract the bees too.

We welcomed new volunteers again for this Planting Up session who made a massive difference to how much we achieved.
Everyone enjoyed mucking in together. It was just the under 3s who loved moving the woodchip around and getting their hands in the soil. 🙂
You can see from the pictures how the plot was transformed in just a couple of hours!
The amazing thing is that we managed to do all this before it was time for our bring & share lunch, where we took our cue from the heavens opening up to water in our new plants.