Westbury Arts Centre (WAC) launched Milton Keynes Open Art for 2019, an exhibition to champion local creatives. All artists were invited to apply, whether working in paint, print, photography or other mediums – the only limit was that their work must be wall based in order for the winning pieces to be exhibited at WAC.
The exhibition took place on 13 & 14 July 2019 from 11am – 4pm and was well attended, having almost 400 visitors to the Arts Centre along with Milton Keynes Mayor, Cllr Sam Crooks.
The Mayor was invited to have a tour of the Westbury Arts Centre gardens and was especially keen to see the work the GIV MK school-children had done recently.
Having never heard of permaculture, the Mayor was really impressed with what our local Planting Up community has achieved so far by following its principles – as we’re “growing” benefits for the Arts Centre and local people, for the environment and wildlife, and for the social equity of working with local groups and businesses to grow our own food for us all to share without the carbon-intensive fuel miles of typical food production.

You’ll be amazed at what we get done in the garden and what we all learn from each other in the process!