While we endured the horrors of the COVID-19 pandemic and being locked down, many of us found joy and refuge in nature. By slowing down and taking notice, we became more aware of nature’s many amazing benefits.
My Take
For me, this wasn’t just what I took from the immediate effects I felt from the tranquillity of breathing in fresh air and listening to the sounds of wildlife at work. I also got this feeling of being connected to nature that made me appreciate how I’m part of a world of natural systems working together, co-dependently, protecting, preserving and regenerating, in a way that shows how everything has an important part to play.
Nature-based Solutions
Just as scientists have discovered trees secretly “talk” and share resources with each other, I believe we have a part to play in finding nature-based solutions to our problems that will ultimately help us with big issues like disease suppression and mitigating climate change. That’s big picture thinking, but on a smaller, more personal level, this connection has some “feel good” and “good health” factors for us to consider too.
Improving our Health & Wellbeing
Research suggests a strong relationship between connecting with nature and improved health and wellbeing that about getting active and fresh air in our lungs, as well as being about paying attention to what is going on around us.
This means that nature-based group activities like community gardening and conservation work “tick all the boxes” when it comes to the Five Ways to Wellbeing that we all need to be mindful of for self-care and looking after our own health and wellbeing.

Enjoy the Podcast
In this short interview with Jon from Arthur Ellis: Mental Health Support on 21 June 2020, we talk about nature and community gardening, relating it to what we’re doing and what’s available in Milton Keynes.
We touch on several of the benefits they can have on our mental health and everyday wellbeing, just as the #OneADayMK social campaign tells us with the Five Ways to Wellbeing.
For my first time doing a podcast, I liked being able to do this video interview from home. I hope you enjoy listening to it as much as I enjoyed taking part. 🙂